Nokia C99 is rumoured to be in the works, according to details leaked online. The company is said to be working on a flagship smartphone dubbed the Nokia “Magic Box”, that could sport a 6.7-inch LTPO AMOLED screen and use the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, Qualcomm’s latest high-end SoC. This smartphone is also said to feature a 144-megapixel triple camera setup and support for 180W fast charging. However, the company is yet to announce any plans to launch such a handset.
Nokia C99 price in India (rumoured)
According to details shared by Twitter user Chandragupta Saurabh (@ParasmeSaurabh), the Finnish smartphone manufacturer could launch the Nokia C99 in India in Q3 2023 priced at around Rs. 45,000.
However, keeping in mind the leaked specifications, it appears very unlikely that the purported handset would be sold at such a low price point. This smartphone is likely to compete with flagship smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S23 series and the Xiaomi 13 Pro in India.
Nokia C99 specifications (rumoured)
The yet-to-be-announced Nokia C99 may be powered by Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, paired with up to 16GB of RAM, according to details shared by the user. The handset may sport a 6.7-inch LTPO AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and Gorilla Glass 7 protection.
For optics, the purported Nokia C99 might be equipped with a Zeiss-optimised triple rear camera setup comprising a 144-megapixel primary camera, a 64-megapixel ultra-wide angle camera, and a 48-megapixel telephoto camera.
This rumoured handset could also be equipped with support for 180W fast charging, as per details shared by the Twitter user. However, as previously mentioned, there is currently no word from Nokia on any plans to launch a new C-series smartphone with flagship specifications in India or in global markets, so it is advisable to take these claims — especially the rumoured price — with a pinch of salt.
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