Police use all manner of tactics to end pursuits and most of the time those tactics prove successful. Sometimes though they result in unintended consequences. In this case, the officer attempting a PIT maneuver ended up riding the fleeing truck for a brief moment.

This video comes to us from the state of Arkansas, a place where the PIT maneuver seems like the first thing that officers learn. One study found that police in the state use that tactic roughly twice a week. We’ve even documented many of the most extreme cases and this particular entry also proves to be quite unique.

The trooper begins the chase by making a three-point U-turn directly in front of already pursuing officers. She catches up to the fleeing truck almost immediately though and attempts but fails to PIT the vehicle. Shortly thereafter, the truck driver leads the police onto the highway.

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There, the department attempts to stop the chase with spike strips but despite a hit, the truck continues on. A few minutes later, another officer, this time in a Chevrolet Tahoe, comes up behind the truck to attempt a PIT. The truck driver notices and slams on their brakes in an attempt to avoid the takedown.

It works but only briefly as the original lead trooper moves up and then accidentally drives up and onto the truck’s rear passenger side tire. The two move together as one on the highway into the middle lane before separating moments later. Then, the SUV comes back up to the truck and slowly but surely pushes him into a spin.

Officers arrested the driver and charged him with felony fleeing and criminal mischief in the first degree. There’s no word on why he fled the scene or what sort of time he’s facing at this point. The lesson is clear though. Never run from the police, especially not in Arkansas.

Image: The Watch Network