Google Pixel Watch debuted on Thursday during the ‘Made By Google’ event alongside the Pixel 7 series smartphones. It is the first smartwatch released by the company and sports a bezel-less circular dial. The Pixel Watch has a 1.2-inch AMOLED display with up to 1,000 nits of brightness and an Always-on mode. This smartwatch is powered by an Exynos 9110 SoC, coupled with a Cortex M33 coprocessor and 2GB of RAM. It offers Bluetooth v5.0, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, and 4G LTE wireless connectivity options.
Google Pixel Watch price, availability
The Google Pixel Watch pricing starts at $349.99 (roughly Rs. 28,700) for the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi-only model, while the LTE model along with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi will cost $399.99 (roughly Rs. 32,800).
The Wi-Fi-only model comes in Obsidian, Hazel, and Chalk colours, whereas the cellular variant is offered in Obsidian, Hazel, and Charcoal colour options.
Google Pixel Watch specifications, features
The Google Pixel Watch smartwatch has a 1.2-inch AMOLED touch display with up to 1,000 nits of brightness. The screen has a pixel density of 320ppi and gets an Always-on mode as well. The Pixel Watch’s display has a circular domed design, which is protected by 3D Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
Under the hood, it packs an Exynos 9110 SoC, paired with a Cortex M33 coprocessor and 2GB of RAM. Google claims that the Pixel Watch has a battery life of up to 24 hours. It runs on Wear OS 3.5 that includes Google Assistant, and health and fitness features by Fitbit. This smartwatch is also equipped with a heart rate sensor and an ECG tracker.
The Pixel Watch offers multiple connectivity options, including Bluetooth v5.0, 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, 4G LTE, and NFC. This smartwatch is also compatible with the Find My Device app. It is said to be capable of withstanding water pressure up to 50 metres, thanks to its 5ATM water-resistant design.