ST. LOUIS – Heat Up St. Louis held its annual luncheon to honor and award four individuals for its 2023 Persons of the Year Awards and recognized six local meteorologists for their work and dedication in keeping the public safe.
FOX 2’s own Chief Meteorologist Glenn Zimmerman and Meteorologist Chris Higgins were awarded the Fire Chief’s Public Safety Award.
Zimmerman and Higgins received firefighter hats for their roles and dedication to the field of meteorology.
“It’s wonderful to be honored with one of my colleagues, Chris Higgins. He has been one of my teammates since college,” Glenn said. “For over 30 years, we have worked together to work on our FOX 2 franchise.”
Chris gave a brief thank you to the organization, adding, “God gave us a talent, and you give the talent that you have in the best way that you can. And our best way in the media and in meteorology is give our best effort to forecast and get the word out.”
Heat Up-Cool Down St. Louis has helped more than 1.7 million people across the area over the last 24 years. The regional nonprofit organization helps Missouri and Illinois folks in need stay warm in the winter months and cool in the summer by providing help with utility costs.
The charity received a generous donation of $25,000 from Commerce Bank in efforts to continue helping the community in need this winter.