Can IBM’s watsonx deliver what Watson could not? Arvind Krishna, chairman and CEO, IBM looks at monetising AI with a revamped watsonx.
Long before ChatGTP surprised the AI world with its capabilities, Big Blue had set a benchmark in the technology. But ChatGPT stole IBM’s thunder and made AI platforms accessible to the masses. With the launch of its enterprise-ready AI and data platform watsonx, the legacy tech giant wants to regain its lost glory.
Late last year, OpenAI took the world by storm with the launch of ChatGPT, a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI). With its impressive ability to write anything from prose to poems and even computer codes, ChatGPT was hailed as technology’s latest wonderkid. As the world celebrated the new tech marvel, the big daddy of AI, IBM, was silently watching. More than six months since, the tech giant has hit the spot with the launch of its
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