Growth Factors and Hair Health: What Research Tells Us About Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common concern that affects people across different age groups, life stages, and genders. Losing hair can be distressing, impacting self-esteem, confidence, and ultimately self-worth. It’s essential to understand the factors that contribute to hair loss and the available treatments to address them. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes of hair loss, gender differences, the role of hormones and stress, and effective female and men’s hair loss treatments like Calecim’s Advanced Hair System. 

Causes of Hair Loss

Women can experience hair loss due to a variety of factors. These factors include:

1. Genetics: Your family history plays a significant role. If hair loss runs in your family, you’re more likely to experience it as well.

2. Age: As you grow older, the rate of hair growth slows down, and hair may become thinner and more prone to shedding.

3. Vitamin Deficiencies: Poor nutrition can lead to brittle hair and contribute to hair loss.

4. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, can impact the quality of your hair. Hormone changes during perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause are a common cause of hair thinning.

5. Illness: Some medical conditions and treatments, like chemotherapy, can cause hair loss.

6. Stress: Psychological stress can result in a type of hair loss known as telogen effluvium. Stress affects the body’s overall functioning and can slow down hair growth at the root.

7. Hairstyles and Hair Extensions: Certain hairstyles and the use of hair extensions can contribute to hair loss due to excessive tension on the hair follicles.

8. Early Treatment: It’s crucial to seek treatment early, especially for types of hair loss that are reversible. Early intervention often leads to better outcomes in hair restoration.

Gender Differences in Hair Loss

Male and female hair loss differ in patterns and timing. Understanding these differences can help tailor the hair loss treatment approaches:

1. Male Pattern Baldness: Typically starts in the late teens to early 20s and follows a distinct pattern, with a receding hairline and balding crown.

2. Female Hair Loss: This involves more diffuse thinning across the scalp and usually occurs later in life, often during pre-menopause.

Hormones and Hair Loss – Women’s Experience

Hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone, play a crucial role in hair quality. Hormone changes during perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause can lead to hair thinning. Hormone replacement therapies may help alleviate this type of hair loss.

Stress-Related Hair Loss

Psychological stress, particularly in women, can lead to a type of hair loss called telogen effluvium (TE). Stress can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, causing more hair follicles to enter the resting phase and resulting in increased hair shedding. Thankfully, targeted treatments are available for this type of hair loss.

Effective Hair Loss Treatments

1. Minoxidil: Available over the counter and in clinics, minoxidil is a common treatment for hair loss. It helps promote hair growth.

2. Calecim’s Advanced Hair System: This innovative treatment utilizes stem cell serum to trigger the body’s own stem cells in hair follicles, reducing inflammation and promoting hair growth through hair exosomes. Clinical trials and peer-reviewed papers support the efficacy of Calecim’s technology, making it an excellent choice as a female hair loss treatment that can be done at home. 

Results and Application of Calecim’s Advanced Hair System for Hair Loss Treatment

Users of Calecim’s Advanced Hair System may see regrowth after six treatments. The treatment is safe and free of side effects. It can be applied at home with a derma stamp or administered in a clinic with a derma pen, which is a painless and fast procedure.


While oral supplements can be helpful, it’s advisable to identify any deficiencies through blood tests before starting a supplementation regimen. Personalised treatment plans based on deficiencies can yield faster and more accurate results.

Advice for Hair Loss Concerns

If you’re concerned about hair loss, it’s essential to seek treatment as early as possible. Early intervention tends to yield better outcomes in hair restoration.

Medical Consultation for Hair Loss

If you notice a significant increase in hair fall in daily activities like brushing, showering, or on your pillow, along with a widening part and visible scalp, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to identify if its a symptom of a bigger problem. 

User Testimonials

Real-life experiences can provide valuable insights. Individuals who have used Calecim’s Hair Serum have reported positive results, including reduced hair fall and new hair growth, leading to increased confidence.

To conclude, hair loss is a common concern for many women, and its causes can vary from genetics to hormonal changes and stress. Understanding the reasons behind hair loss is the first step towards effective treatment. While hair loss can be distressing, there are treatments available, such as Calecim’s Advanced Hair System, that offer promising results. Early intervention and seeking professional advice are crucial for addressing hair loss concerns. If you’re worried about hair loss, know that you’re not alone, and there are solutions that can help you regain your confidence. 

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